Can you succeed on social media without any credibility?


One of the questions people have when they are first starting out in business is, can they succeed on social media without any credibility. That’s a very important question to ask because many people want to use social media as a platform for their products and services.

They want to succeed using social marketing because that’s where billions of people are. They want to learn what it takes to win online every time.

Unfortunately, I do not recall reading or watching sufficient content that addresses this matter. As a result, I am going to do my best to answer the question objectively and logically.

So again, the question is can you succeed on social media without any credibility. The answer is both yes and no. I’ll explain my double answer.

Yes you can: 

-if you have have a budget. You have to think of yourself as a multinational corporation. What big business do you know of that doesn’t have a marketing budget? If you’re building a business even online, it doesn’t mean that you don’t need a budget. Successful social media marketers use financial resources to expand their reach and influence. So must you.

I know what you’re thinking. You watched a video of someone who built a six figure business without using any advertising money. Well you and I don’t know ALL of what they did to build that business. So in my opinion, you need to invest some money to build your business. Especially when competition online is greater now than it was years ago.

-if you create content. ILT stands for Invest, Learn, Teach. As a entrepreneur on social media, you should be creating some kind of content that addresses the problems that people are having online regarding their business. Some of those problems could be lead generation, marketing strategies and so on. Content is king. Where do people go for content? Social media. If you create engaging content, you will be successful even if you don’t have any credibility.

No you can’t:

-if you think you can spam your way to success. The majority of internet marketers spam their links all over social media. This is not the way to become successful on social media. This tactic does not increase your credibility, it destroys it. In addition, it makes the marketer look desperate. Why would someone send a link to another person who did not request it? Social media is about being social first and business second. People are smart. They know you have some kind of business that you’re promoting.  They just don’t want to spammed with it. Spam will get your business canned.

-if you promote your company products all over social media. This part has been talked about a lot in many articles and videos. Yet, people still use this as their main marketing strategy. Most network marketing consumable  products have a similar health benefit. So people are not necessarily going to join you because of the products. They are going to join you because they like your uniqueness. Furthermore, your knowledge is what is going to attract them to you because they feel you can help them, not your product. Hope that makes sense.

In conclusion, You can succeed on social media without any credibility. It depends on the time AND money you invest in yourself and business. You get out what you put in plain and simple. Too many people expect to become an overnight sensation on social media and it doesn’t work that way. You will pay your dues especially when no one knows you. If you want to learn what entrepreneurs are doing to become successful on social media, click here

About the Author:

Photo on 12-13-15 at 12.57 PM

Calvin Moss is a blogger and home business professional. He lives in New York city with his wife and daughter in New York City. He can be found on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.




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Does Posting In Facebook Groups Really Work?


Does posting in Facebook groups really work? That must be the ten thousand dollar question. I believe there are two answers to that question and I will explain why. Yes, posting in Facebook groups work. However, it depends on what and where you’re posting. If you look on Facebook, you’ll notice people posting negativity along with their business opportunity. You can’t mix the sweet and the sour together because it sends the wrong message to your prospects.

What works on Facebook? Inspirational/motivational quotes. They are awesome for personal and business matters. You can get them online however, I do believe you should create your own as well. This is what separates the leaders from the followers although we all start off as followers. If you want to brand yourself on Facebook, you must post information that provides value. Many people look for posts to share on their timeline that promotes empowerment. As you share value, people will begin to comment and direct message you saying thanks for the inspiration!


What doesn’t work on Facebook? Spam. From time to time, someone will post an income program on my timeline. I consider it spam because I did not request it. Nor did I give permission for it to be posted on my page. I also learned that mesaging people who you are not friends with about your business opportunity is also spam. Please stop this. No matter how many times the following statement is preached, people still don’t get it: build relationships first BEFORE sending your link. If someone wants your link, they will ask for it. Just because someone accepts your friend request, does not mean you should send them your unsolicited link. There is nothing wrong with building rapport and asking first. Spamming in Facebook groups doesn’t work because everyone is doing the same thing. Most groups are nothing but spam fests. If a prospect visits these groups, he or she would be confused.


In conclusion, does posting in Facebook groups really work? Yes if you are providing value and no, if you’re not. It depends on what and where you’re posting. Unfortunately, some of these groups are useless. Around 80% of your content should be value based and 20% should be promotion. When you do this, you will be looked upon as a leader not a spammer.

photo credit: Internet news, orange netwig, rswebsols

About the author:

Calvin Moss is a writer/blogger and home business professional. He lives in New York City with his wife and daughter.

Free Facebook Marketing Tips To Get Leads, Likes And Engagement.


Home business owners want to know how to sponsor reps on Facebook. It is said that well over 300 million people are on Facebook. This includes prospects as well. One of the biggest challenges that distributors have is finding prospects. When you first get started in network marketing, you are told to make a list. The problem is that most people do not have a list unless they have some previous influence. Friends and family have already told you to get a real job. Next, your sponsor tells you to go to coffee shops, malls, etc for an hour or so and “prospect”. The problem with that is, people who are in malls and coffee shops are there to eat and shop. They don’t want to hear about your business program. Going to malls and coffee shops are if anything, a great way to get you out of your comfort zone. Network marketers do not want to do that because they may feel ridiculed.

So after getting into an argument with their sponsors, most people quit. What worked yesterday may not work today. It depends on certain factors that must be taken into account. Since most people are online, they are most likely to look for a business opportunity online. I’m not 100% against malls and coffee shops. I just believe there are better leveraged ways to make money online. This is where Facebook comes into play.


There are do’s and don’t’s to marketing and recruiting on Facebook just like anything else. Unfortunately, most networkers haven’t received the training and miraculously believe that what they are doing is adding credibility to their business. When we first start marketing, we normally do what everyone else is doing because if they’re doing it, then it must work. Sadly, many marketers are promoting their businesses the wrong way. I want to share what I’m doing personally and what other leaders are doing on Facebook to get leads, likes and engagement for your content on Facebook.

Professional looking profile picture.

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The first thing you need is a professional looking picture. I’m not saying go pay a photographer to takes pictures of you. I’m saying choose a picture of yourself that days you mean business. Many network marketers make their profiles their company product and they use they’re products as a cover photo. Some individuals use objects as their profile picture. This is a no-no. People want to see who they are doing business with. When you post a picture of something other than yourself, it makes people think you’re hiding something. So post a professional looking type of picture. This is just my opinion. Some leaders have on only a t-shirt, that’s fine. I just believe as a good rule of thumb, you should have a professional looking photo. It gives prospects the idea that you are business person.

Join multiple Facebook groups that pertain to your business or industry.


join as many Facebook groups as you can. I belong to about one hundred groups on Facebook. I don’t post to all of them, but I am a member. Joining multiple groups allows you to see what your friends are posting and vice versa. The problem with joining Facebook groups is spam. People are spamming their links and ads all over Facebook. When first started I did the same thing. Network marketers and affiliate marketers are posting links only to get seen by other marketers. No one is posting anything of value. If a prospect decides to join, they’ll probably do what the majority of other networkers are doing which doesn’t work, get frustrated and quit. When you post something of value in these groups, your content will go viral and people will ask you what it is you do(engagement)? When you get lots of likes, Facebook will put your content in front of a lot of people. In addition to that, your profile will get seen by more people. Just know that all groups are not the same. So youngest to find the best ones to join.

Post motivational quotes and lifestyle pictures.



Obviously, there is a lot of junk on Facebook. As a home business owner, what you post is a representation of you and your brand. You don’t want to post anything derogatory or offensive on your wall. Post lifestyle pictures with you and with your family hanging out. This lets people know that you are a real person. People love to see others having fun? Motivational quotes are excellent reminders to keep moving forward towards your goals. There’s nothing like waking up in the morning to see a motivational quote by Tony Robbins, Jim Rohn or others in your news feed. These kind of quotes are very inspiring and will assist you in your profession.

Accepting friendship requests.


As an entrepreneur, you want to accept requests from people who are in the home business industry or looking to join a home business company. When someone sends you arequest, send them a message saying, thanks for requesting me as a friend, looking forward to reading your posts and networking with you etc. If you send someone a friend request, thank them for accepting etc. Some people may just want to be friends and your posts inspire them in some way. That’s ok. As you continue to post entrepreneur related material, people will begin to ask you questions and to send them a link. Try to keep your conversations causal. Don’t throw up on someone who just accepted your friend request about your business. People are smart, they’ll know just by looking at your wall if you’re promoting something or not.

Providing value on your FB wall.

In today’s network marketing era, you need to provide some kind of value on your wall. I think a good it’s a good idea to post very little information about your business. Some networkers timeline are filled with nothing but their company products. The majority of all network marketing products are good and give similar results regarding weight-loss etc. Don’t brand your company, brand yourself with posts that offer some kind of “how to” information. People have seen your company before, they haven’t seen YOU! So lead with value, not your company.

Do videos.

This may not sit well with many of you, but doing videos actually add to your credibility. People love watching videos. They want to hear you and see you. When you offer some kind of tip through video, it tells people that you are a professional and that you are serious about your craft. Videos show that you are a real person as well. Do a video once or twice a week for starters.

In closing, Facebook is an excellent way to get leads, likes, and engagement. Never send an unsolicited link and do not spam people timeline. Whether your business is online or off, the rules never change. People only buy from people they know like and trust. Your responsibility is to establish those three things over time, not overnight. I get people sending me messages trying to convince me to join their business. I don’t know them, they haven’t built a relationship with me and they can’t tell me why I should join them and not someone else. In order to build know, like and trust, create some content of your own. As you continue to create, you will get more leads, likes and engagement which will turn into sales on Facebook. Use Facebook as well as any social media platform to brand yourself first.

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About the author:


Calvin Moss is a writer, blogger and home business entrepreneur. He is also a marketer and motivator. More of his work can be seen at He lives in New York City with his wife and daughter. You can also reach out to the author on Facebook.